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Rosen Method is distinguished by its gentle, direct touch. Using hands that listen rather than manipulate, the practitioner focuses on chronic muscle tension. As relaxation occurs and the breath deepens, unconscious feelings, attitudes, and memories may emerge.

The Rosen practitioner has been trained to notice subtle changes in muscle tension and shifts in the breath. The practitioner recognizes these as indications that the client is relaxing and becoming more aware of his/her body and internal experience. 

As this process unfolds, habitual tension and old patterns may be released, freeing the client to experience more aliveness, new choices in life, and a greater sense of well-being. Rosen Method is not a mechanical process. It is a journey taken together by client and practitioner towards self-discovery. 


Rosen Method Movement


Marion Rosen, a brilliant physical therapist developed this method of movement in response to her physical therapy patients who used to ask her "how they could prevent aches and pains and avoid physical therapy treatments in the future".
Marion Rosen In her last book “Rosen Method Bodywork - Accessing the Unconscious through Touch” Marion Rosen writes in Chapter 2: “Rosen Method is a way to access feelings and experiences through the body. The body does not lie. Through the breath and the musculature the body shows the truth of our feelings. Through muscle tension the body represses feelings and experiences that we cannot handle at the time of their occurrence. In This way we often forget what ever happened. But these feelings and experiences are still with us, stored in the body, and we have to use a lot of effort to keep them there in the unconscious. This muscle tension also keeps the breath from flowing freely through the body”. Marion Rosen, a brilliant physical

therapist developed this method of movement in response to her physical therapy patients who used to ask her "how they could prevent aches and pains and avoid physical therapy treatments in the future".


Rosen Method Movement is held in a group setting; accompanied by music, it prepares the body to move with ease, deepens our self awareness, and improves our alignment and flexibility. These easy movements are designed to warm up muscles, lubricate all joints, and stretch all our muscles. As a result Rosen Method Movement creates the experience of relaxation, sense of wholeness, ease of breathing, joy, and new vitality in the participant's body. Rosen Method Movement classes are fun and easy, and are taught to people of all ages.


The results of Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement frequently include a lessening of pain and tension, and an increase in vitality and aliveness. Many individuals experience a new sense of clarity about their life direction and goals. They are better able to make decisions which improve the quality of their life and can more easily align with their purpose.  
• Relaxes muscle tension and chronic holding  
• Deepens physical and emotional awareness  
• Increases flexibility and vitality  
• Invites personal growth  
• Complements other therapeutic modes and psycho-spiritual disciplines  



• Have physical pain and discomfort 
• Have muscle tension and postural problems 
• Use their bodies for self-expression: athletes, public speakers or performers 
• Want to increase their ease in physical activity 
• Are under stress 
• Are receiving psychotherapy 
• Are looking for physical, emotional, and spiritual growth 

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